Data Access Server Overview

A light-weight OPC Data Access Server that features the core functionality of an OPC UA Server, but is configured with an address space that demonstrates the many UA-specific Node types, such as:

This implementation also features the PercentDeadband feature.

User Interface


Screen Elements


The menus are minimal:

  • File

    • Exit: for quitting the application.

  • Help

    • Contents: to launch this help documentation.


Shows the OPC Foundation logo and a [clickable] link to the website, shows the application name in large text, and shows the Certification logo with a link for more information online.

Server Endpoint URLs

A dropdown showing the different endpoints that are available. You can simply copy an endpoint and then paste it into a UA Client to establish a connection (assuming certification validation passes).


Displays the number of sessions currently  open, and includes additional information for identification of the application/user of the session.


Displays the number of subscriptions currently established, and also includes some statistical information about each subscription.

Status Bar

An "at-a-glance" display of the current status (running, shutdown etc.), current time, the number of open sessions, established subscriptions, and the total number of monitored items.