Managing Subscriptions in the Generic Client

The Client allows you to configure 1...n subscriptions. Each subscription will open in its own "Monitor Subscription" window as shown and described here.

Creating a Subscription

There are 2 ways to create a new subscription, both are done via the main application window:

  1. Locate a node in the address-space, right-click on it, and then choose "New" from the "Subscribe" menu.

  2. Right-click on the session (left side of the main window) and choose "New" from the "Subscribe" menu.

The following dialog will open:


The above fields are described in UA Specifications Part 4 - Services.

Opening the Subscription Dialog

When a subscription is created, the "Monitor Subscription" dialog will automatically open. You can also open the window by locating the subscription in the main application window by right-clickit and choosing "Monitor" from the "Subscription" menu.


The Monitor Subscription dialog:


Screen Elements


  • Subscription

    • Edit: See 'Editing a Subscription' below.

    • Enable Publishing: Toggles the enabled state to receive notifications.

    • Create Monitored Items: See 'Create MonitoredItems' below.

    • Create Monitored Items from Type Model: Described below.

  • Window:

    • Monitored Items: Shows/Hides the "monitored items" area.

    • Events: Shows/hides the "events" area.

    • Data Changes: Shows/hides the "data changes" area.

  • Conditions:

    • Refresh: Not implemented.

Node Display (top)


Data Changes (bottom)


Editing a Subscription

Choose "Edit" from the "Subscription" menu to modify the subscription parameters.


Create Monitored Items

Choose "Create Monitored Items" from the "Subscription" menu to add more items to the subscription.


Create Monitored Items from Type Model
