Writing to Nodes using the Generic Client

The client provides the ability to write 1...n nodes in a single call.

Simply locate a node within the address-space browser and then right-click and choose Write from the context-menu. The following multi-step dialog will open:

Step 1 - Choose the Nodes to Write to


Within this dialog you can navigate and select the nodes from the left-side of the dialog by dragging-n-dropping them into the right-side of the dialog.

Right-clicking on a node on the right-side will yield this context-menu:




Adds a new node to the list of selected nodes.



Edits the currently node allowing you to specify exactly which attribute to write to, and if it is the value attribute (and the node is an array) then you can specify the index range (positions within the array) to write to.

Edit Value


A simple dialog where you can modify the value of the node.


Removes the currently selected node from the list of nodes.

Invoking the Write

Click Next to invoke the Write.

Step 2 - Write


This dialog shows the nodes that were written to on the left, and the results of each write operation on the right.

Clicking the Write button will invoke another write operation.

Right-clicking on a node (left side of the window) will open a context-sensitive menu as described above.