The Interoperability Standard
for Industrial Automation
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Unified Architecture Technology Sample Applications
The generic UA sample client is the original reference implementation provided by the OPC Foundation. This particular client is also the most functionally complete client within this package and provides a significantly richer set of features over the other clients.
This client is also a Server! The default endpoint is:
This server implementation behaves as any normal server should. Clients connecting to this interface must be trusted, just as with any UA Server.
The user interface for the Generic UA Client uses a primary window (shown below) and uses several additional windows (see Reading Nodes, Writing Nodes, and Subscriptions):
Menus |
Banner |
Shows the OPC Foundation logo and a [clickable] link to the website, shows the application name in large text, and shows the Certification logo with a link for more information online. |
Endpoint Bar (below banner) |
There are 2 key areas in the endpoint bar:
Note: Follow this tutorial if you wish to make HTTPS connections. |
Session (left) |
Displays the current session and the currently established subscriptions. See Subscriptions. |
Address Space Navigation (right) |
A simple node browser that allows you to navigate the UA Server's address space, behaving much like a file and folder browser (such as Windows Explorer): |
Event Notifications (bottom) |
A simple log output of events that received by the client: